Will you show kindness to someone today?
By Gary Andrews
Not long ago a good friend of mine shared a letter with me he titled, “Kindness Unforgotten.”
It was a letter to he and his wife from a young man that visited with them over 20 years ago. This child, who was six years old at the time, spent three months with my friend and his family and now 20 years later continues to thank them for their courtesies and kindness extended to him and his family. This is something that will never be forgotten and a good example that will be passed on from this young man to others.
In a similar situation, I spent some time when I was in the Air Force in California. Unknown to me before I went to Edwards AFB, CA, I had a cousin, about the same age of my dad that lived close to the base, and he befriended me when I arrived and treated me as if I was a member of his family. His daughter and I became friends and still communicate with each other today even though we haven’t seen each other in years.
Kindness has an everlasting effect. I am sure that most of you can look back on times in your life when someone was kind to you and treated you with gentleness. I am also sure that you can remember sometimes when you were treated unkindly.
In today’s society one doesn’t hear much about the Golden Rule anymore. Sadly, to say I haven’t heard anyone repeat it or use it because of the dog eats dog worldly traditions we are a part of.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is something all of us need to remember and use in our daily living. Kind actions are always going to be remembered. Treat someone with kindness today and your return will great!
In Matthew 7:12 Jesus tells us, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the people I have met and for the kindness that has been shown to me. I pray that I also will show kindness to someone each and everyday of my life. Amen.
(Suggested daily Bible readings: Sunday - Ephesians 4:32; Monday - Proverbs 14:21; Tuesday - Gensis 50:15-21; Wednesday - Romans 12:10-15; Thursday - 2 Peter 1:5-7; Friday - Proverbs 31:20; Saturday - Psalm 23:6.)A114-10